Here's the new MOLESHOW DVD/CD package - it's quite swell.
This is limited to 400 pieces (only 350 made available for purchase), all numbered, each set comes with 12 postcards (5.5" x8.5") with backdrop drawings from the show (6 mole and 6 chub), a miniature shovel (digging not recommended), a chipboard digipak featuring a CD with the Australian radio special (70 minutes) and a single camera DVD of the uninterrupted live MOLESHOW, filmed at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco. All wrapped up in a printed, drawstring burlap bag.
The video quality is from a single VHS camera back in the early 80's, which is probably a notch or two (or three) under a flip video camera. Audience sound as well. So think of it as yer own lo-fi time travel accessory...peeking thru a rip in the fabric of time, thru a hole in the wall of the theater. So DO NOT expect a high production release - there's not even a menu, just push and play for the gritty Mole reality. The CD is a REAL gem, featuring music and interviews with the Cryptic Corp during the days of the 444 Grove St. warehouse just before the Moleshow tour. A lot of talk of how the 'music industry is changing' and that no one is buying music anymore...back in 1982.
If you are a low number subscriber, please choose that option after clicking the link to buy. AGAIN, this is a PRESALE, shipping by mid-July The discs are NOT cdr or dvdr, but standard replicated discs, if that is important to you.
oh, there's a new RalphAmerica.com site design as well.
I already done ordered my copy, but is the DVD a copy of the stuff that was on the old Mole Show VHS, or is it the actual footage without the Video Toaster Scribbling on it? Because that would be AWESOME.
From what i read this is very different to the old vhs, and i am fond to get to see my very first moleshow, not just listen to them. Any news on when "mid-July" is?
I've bought all releases in the past, but I'll pass on his one. Too expensive for these times. Yes, the dvd and cd are tempting... I just wish it was half the price with no toys included.
I did my order of Moleshow DVD day 06/27/2009, and I have still not received anything, not like contacting with Ralph so that they say to me as it is my order. Your knowledge if they have been sent already?. I am worried in case one becomes lost has been stuff very expensive for my. Greetings from Spain.
hey man, allright you?
I'm from Greece and me witha friend are thinkin to make a greek rez fun blog. what dou you think?
Since Arkansas is not getting any blog attention, i think i might just drop a line here..
If this Arkansas CD is going to be as nice as the mole show bag was, i know its going to be a dear and treasured item!
Sorely lacking in updates... Inquiring droolers want to know!
So true Paulie... There must be something to tell that can make our anticipation a bit bigger for the new release, or some other knowledge about the merchandise and records part of the eyeballed multiverse. Some truth of the typical residents kind, something that say allot, but tells nothing, and yet still give us that sense of satisfaction you get when you feel like you learned something new, or got hold on some part of valuable information.
So please tell us something new, there must have happened something these parts months worth a mention...?
I'm sure that this has been covered elsewhere, but don't know where to look....Anyone know why the Bunny Boy DVD ends before the end? I was really looking forward to watching the big finish and the funny epilogue, instead we're left hanging on the bus? Are the missing episodes still up somewhere?
Thanks to anyone with an answer.
See you in Santa Cruz!
the reason the DVD ends with the bus trip is because nobody really knows what happened to Bunny Boy after that point.
The second Youtube series was all speculation. To stay true to Bunny, the Rez decided to end the DVD there.
Don't think the original vids are still up anywhere. Couldn't find them on Youtube.
I found them on Youtube last week, just not under the Residents.
From what I just found on youtube...only some of the episodes are available. Do a search for The Bunny Boy without the Residents reference and click through the Playlists. You'll probably find most of them eventually!
Sorry mechanicoid, Forgot to Say Thanks, don't know why I couldn't find the vids before. Must have had Eye Strain.
Thanks Mech!
so long, and thanks for all the fishtowels....
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